Scrappage Scheme
Up to £750 OFF a new Gas Stove and
Up to £300 OFF a new Multi-fuel Wood Burning Stove
.Leaf Stoves have introduced this Scrappage Trade In programme so customers can purchase a new high efficiency Multi-fuel / Wood burning or Gas stove at a reduced price.
What Do I Need To Do?
If you wish to purchase a new Leaf Stove under the Scrappage
Trade In Scheme against one of the applicable Leaf Stoves*, all
you need to do is just trade in any wood, gas or electric Fire or
Stove in any condition working or not and claim the Scrappage
Trade In discount from your Leaf Retailer, they will then
apply the discount to your purchase – it is as simple and easily
as that.
*Contact Us for full list of applicable Stoves and Discounts
Terms and Conditions apply Contact for full details
for full details
Top Quality Craftsmanship
great pride in our product and you will too.